
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulesProvider implements NotificationRulesProvider {
  • # Information about this provider
  • providerInfo: NotificationRulesProviderInfo!
  • # Query list of Notification Rules with selected list of filters
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # filter: optional filter of field names
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # observabilityAlertNotificationRuleFilter:
  • # ObservabilityAlertNotificationRule filter with zero or more filter parameters
  • # sort: Sort order for results in ObservabilityAlertConnection
  • queryNotificationRules(
  • after: String,
  • filter: QueryFilter,
  • first: Int,
  • observabilityAlertNotificationRuleFilter: ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleFilter,
  • sort: [QuerySort!]
  • ): ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleConnection
  • # Query for specific notification rule by notification rule Id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # notificationRuleId: Array of notification rule id's to query
  • queryObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleById(
  • notificationRuleId: String!
  • ): ObservabilityAlertNotificationRule
  • # Query for specific notification rule by notification rule Ids
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # notificationRuleIds: Array of notification rule id's to query
  • queryObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleByIds(
  • notificationRuleIds: [String!]!
  • ): [ObservabilityAlertNotificationRule]
  • }