
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input FindingSuppressionAggregationInput {
  • # For range Aggregation Input
  • aggregationRanges: [FindingAggregationRange!]
  • # Aggregation type
  • aggregationType: FindingAggregationType
  • # Field on which to aggregate
  • fieldName: FindingSuppressionAggregationField!
  • # Interval for DATE_HISTOGRAM aggregation. Two kind of interval values are
  • # accepted: Calendar and Fixed.
  • # Calendar: "year" ("1y", "y"), "quarter" ("1q", "q"), "month" ("1M", "M"), "week"
  • # ("1w", "w"), "day" ("d", "1d").
  • # These units are calendar-aware, meaning they respect leap additions, variable
  • # days per month etc.
  • # NOTE: Interval value greater than 1 is not supported for
  • # "year","quarter","month" and "week".
  • # Fixed: "hour" ("1h"), "minute" ("1m").
  • # These units are not calendar-aware and are simply multiples of fixed, SI units.
  • interval: FindingAggregationIntervalInput
  • # Limit number of buckets, if specified, top N buckets will be returned
  • maxBucketCount: Int
  • # Optional sorting
  • # Sorting is supported only for Terms aggregation type
  • # Supported sort fields are:
  • # COUNT - by count
  • # KEY - by key
  • # 'sub-aggregation field' - by metric sub-aggregation
  • sort: FindingSuppressionAggregationSortInput
  • # Optional sub-aggregations
  • subAggregations: [FindingSuppressionAggregationInput!]
  • }