
Definition of a static entity group or app

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input EntityGroupDefinitionInput {
  • # Optional CSP projects associated with the entity group.
  • cspProjectIds: [EntityId!]
  • # Optional EntityId of this element (group or group member).
  • #
  • # If this is populated then the definition must refer to an existing entity.
  • #
  • # If this is left empty then a new EntityGroup, PotentialEntityGroup,
  • # BusinessApplication or PotentialBusinessApplication will be created with the
  • # provided entityName.
  • entityId: EntityId
  • # Optional entityName - only relevant for entities of type EntityGroup,
  • # PotentialEntityGroup, BusinessApplication or PotentialBusinessApplication.
  • entityName: String
  • # Optional field indicating the type of entity
  • #
  • # leaf nodes are members but they are not groups. To save the relationship types
  • # properly we need to specify the entity
  • # type of the leaf node.
  • entityType: String
  • # Optional entity group flavors - only relevant for entities of type EntityGroup
  • # or PotentialEntityGroup.
  • flavors: [EntityGroupFlavor]
  • # Optional list of group/app members.
  • groupMembers: [EntityGroupDefinitionInput!]
  • # Optional policy for updating the entity group or app
  • updatePolicy: EntityGroupUpdatePolicyInput
  • }