
Primary Entity type in the graph, implementing the individual EntityNode interface and with additional fields permitting traversals to other entities in the entity topology and to access other graph nodes with information related to the entity.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Entity implements Node, EntityNodeInterface, NodeVersion {
  • # Unique identifier for an entity in a canonical form. Uniqueness applies at the
  • # scope of the entire organization
  • entityId: EntityId!
  • # Optional. EntityName of the entity
  • entityName: String
  • # EntityType of the entity. e.g. `ec2`, `security-group` etc. Required but not
  • # enforced because of federation constraints.
  • entityType: String
  • # Get hyperlinks for this entity. Optionally filter by namespace
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # namespace: [Not documented]
  • hyperlinks(namespace: [String!]): [HyperLink!]
  • # Opaque global ID
  • id: ID!
  • # Properties for this entity, optionally filtered by name
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • properties(name: [String!]): [EntityProperty!]
  • # query timeseries stats for this entity.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • stats(input: StatsInput): [Stat!]
  • # Get user specific fields connected to a given entity, given the optional list of
  • # userIds as input.
  • # UserId other than the current user can only be provided by admin users.
  • userFields: [UserEntityFields!]
  • # entity-specific action information
  • actions: EntityActions!
  • # Costing and pricing information related to the entity.
  • #
  • # **NOTE:** This API/functionality is in Alpha, This functionality can be unstable
  • # and schema elements may change over future iterations.
  • costing: CostingEntityInfo! @deprecated( reason: "replaced with finOps" )
  • # Costing and pricing information related to the entity.
  • #
  • # **NOTE:** This API/functionality is in Alpha, This functionality can be unstable
  • # and schema elements may change over future iterations.
  • finOps: FinOpsEntityInfo!
  • # The cloud account ID. This is a synonym for the `managementEndpointId` field of
  • # the `managementEndpoint` of this entity, exposed for quick filtering for public
  • # cloud accounts.
  • cloudAccountId: String
  • # This optional property represents an unique ID of the source collector
  • collectionSource: String
  • # Time this Entity was created. Note: Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 timestamp
  • creationTime: DateTime
  • # Paged parent entities, optionally filtering by fields, most filters support
  • # leading '!' (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # entitiesTraversalFilter: Optionally filter by related entities
  • # being present / absent
  • # entityId: Optionally filter by entityIds
  • # entityType: Optionally filter by this field, support leading
  • # '!' (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # entityTypeConst: Optionally filter by entityTypes corresponding
  • # to the values from the enum (this can be used for its autocomplete
  • # functionality)
  • # filter: Optional additional field filters.
  • #
  • # The field format is `[[namespaces..](properties.|tags.)]`
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # provider: Optionally filter by this field, support leading '!'
  • # (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # relationshipType: Filter traversal by one of the given
  • # relationship types, requires an exact match.
  • # Traversal across 'in' relationships should be optimized by specifying a
  • # relationshipType otherwise they will be slow.
  • # service: Optionally filter by this field, support leading '!'
  • # (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results in EntityConnection
  • # traversalScope: Optionally specify whether the traversals
  • # should be constrained to same partition (cloud account id), can be used for
  • # optimizing some queries
  • entitiesIn(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • entitiesTraversalFilter: EntityTraversalFilterInput,
  • entityId: [EntityId!],
  • entityType: [String!],
  • entityTypeConst: [EntityTypeConst!],
  • filter: QueryFilter,
  • first: Int,
  • provider: [String!],
  • relationshipType: [String!],
  • service: [String!],
  • sort: [QuerySort!],
  • traversalScope: EntityTraversalScope
  • ): EntityConnection
  • # Paged child entities, optionally filtering by fields, most filters support
  • # leading '!' (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # entitiesTraversalFilter: Optionally filter by related entities
  • # being present / absent
  • # entityId: Optionally filter by entityIds
  • # entityType: Optionally filter by this field, support leading
  • # '!' (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # entityTypeConst: Optionally filter by entityTypes corresponding
  • # to the values from the enum (this can be used for its autocomplete
  • # functionality)
  • # filter: Optional additional field filters.
  • #
  • # The field format is `[[namespaces..](properties.|tags.)]`
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # provider: Optionally filter by this field, support leading '!'
  • # (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # relationshipType: Optionally filter traversal by one of the
  • # given relationship types, requires an exact match
  • # service: Optionally filter by this field, support leading '!'
  • # (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results in EntityConnection
  • # traversalScope: Optionally specify whether the traversals
  • # should be constrained to same partition (cloud account id), can be used for
  • # optimizing some queries
  • entitiesOut(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • entitiesTraversalFilter: EntityTraversalFilterInput,
  • entityId: [EntityId!],
  • entityType: [String!],
  • entityTypeConst: [EntityTypeConst!],
  • filter: QueryFilter,
  • first: Int,
  • provider: [String!],
  • relationshipType: [String!],
  • service: [String!],
  • sort: [QuerySort!],
  • traversalScope: EntityTraversalScope
  • ): EntityConnection
  • # Single or multi-step entity graph traversal returning paged entities at the end
  • # of the traversal
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # entitiesTraversal: Entities Traversal specifies the path to
  • # traverse through the Entity graph, with optional filtering at each step
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # recursion: optionally specify recursion information for this
  • # traversal allowing the traversal to repeat
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results in EntityConnection
  • entitiesTraversal(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • entitiesTraversal: [EntityTraversalInput!]!,
  • first: Int,
  • recursion: EntityTraversalRecursionInfo,
  • sort: [QuerySort!]
  • ): EntityConnection
  • # Calculate number of recorded changes to this entity in the given time window.
  • # Individual changes for a specific entity can be fetched using
  • # `EntityQuery.queryEntityChangeLog()`.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # timeRange: [Not documented]
  • entityChangeCount(timeRange: EntityTimeRangeFilter!): Int
  • # access the schema for this entity's entityType, if available
  • entitySchema: EntitySchema
  • # EntityScopes provide information on the membership and visibility of the Entity.
  • #
  • # For example, if an Entity is in the scope of a VMW.Aria.BusinessApplication then
  • # it is considered to be "visible"
  • # as a part of that Business Application.
  • #
  • # If the Entity is in the scope of a VMW.CSP.Project, then the Entity will be
  • # visible be visible
  • # to users who's roles are scoped to that specific CSP project.
  • #
  • # An Entity may have multiple scopes, or none.
  • entityScopes: EntityScopes
  • # entityType as an enum constant
  • entityTypeConst: EntityTypeConst
  • # Last time this entity was updated. Note: Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 timestamp
  • lastUpdateTime: DateTime
  • # namespaces for this entity, filtered by namespace
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # namespace: [Not documented]
  • namespaces(namespace: [String!]): [EntityNamespace!]
  • # Versioning ID
  • nodeVersion: ID!
  • # provider component of the entityType
  • provider: String
  • # For cloud resources, this property contains the entity region
  • region: String
  • # Paged relationships to parents, optionally filtering by fields, most filters
  • # support leading '!' (not) and trailing '*' (starts with)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # entitiesTraversalFilter: Optionally filter by related entities
  • # being present / absent
  • # entityFilter: Additional filters on 'other' entity fields
  • # entityType: Filter on the 'other' entity type
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # relationshipType: Filter traversal by one of the given
  • # relationship types, requires an exact match.
  • # Traversal across 'in' relationships should be optimized by specifying a
  • # relationshipType otherwise they will be slow.
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results
  • # traversalScope: Optionally specify whether the traversals
  • # should be constrained to same partition (cloud account id), can be used for
  • # optimizing some queries
  • relationshipsIn(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • entitiesTraversalFilter: EntityTraversalFilterInput,
  • entityFilter: QueryFilter,
  • entityType: [String!],
  • first: Int,
  • relationshipType: [String!],
  • sort: [QuerySort!],
  • traversalScope: EntityTraversalScope
  • ): EntityRelationshipConnection
  • # Paged relationships to children, optionally filtering by fields
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # entitiesTraversalFilter: Optionally filter by related entities
  • # being present / absent
  • # entityFilter: Additional filters on 'other' entity fields
  • # entityType: Filter on the 'other' entity type
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # relationshipType: Filter traversal by one of the given
  • # relationship types, requires an exact match
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results
  • # traversalScope: Optionally specify whether the traversals
  • # should be constrained to same partition (cloud account id), can be used for
  • # optimizing some queries
  • relationshipsOut(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • entitiesTraversalFilter: EntityTraversalFilterInput,
  • entityFilter: QueryFilter,
  • entityType: [String!],
  • first: Int,
  • relationshipType: [String!],
  • sort: [QuerySort!],
  • traversalScope: EntityTraversalScope
  • ): EntityRelationshipConnection
  • # Single-step relationship traversal returning paged relationships based upon the
  • # given filters
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
  • # Relay spec
  • # direction: Mandatory traversal direction
  • # entitiesTraversalFilter: Optionally filter by related entities
  • # being present / absent
  • # entityFilter: Additional filters on 'other' entity fields
  • # entityType: Filter on the 'other' entity type
  • # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
  • # GraphQL Relay spec
  • # relationshipType: Optionally filter traversal by one of the
  • # given relationship types, requires an exact match
  • # sort: Optional sort order for results
  • # traversalScope: Optionally specify whether the traversals
  • # should be constrained to same partition (cloud account id), can be used for
  • # optimizing some queries
  • relationshipsTraversal(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • direction: EntityTraversalDirection!,
  • entitiesTraversalFilter: EntityTraversalFilterInput,
  • entityFilter: QueryFilter,
  • entityType: [String!],
  • first: Int,
  • relationshipType: [String!],
  • sort: [QuerySort!],
  • traversalScope: EntityTraversalScope
  • ): EntityRelationshipConnection
  • # service component of the entityType
  • service: String
  • # Key/Value entityTags for this entity, optionally filtered by key
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # key: [Not documented]
  • tags(key: [String!]): [Tag!]
  • # type-specific traits
  • traits: EntityTraits!
  • # query insights
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # first: [Not documented]
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • # sort: [Not documented]
  • insightConnection(
  • after: String,
  • filter: QueryFilter,
  • first: Int,
  • input: InsightFilter,
  • sort: [QuerySort!]
  • ): InsightConnection
  • # query observations
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # first: [Not documented]
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • # sort: [Not documented]
  • observationConnection(
  • after: String,
  • filter: QueryFilter,
  • first: Int,
  • input: ObservationFilter,
  • sort: [QuerySort!]
  • ): ObservationConnection
  • # The managementEndpoint represents the endpoint through which this entity is
  • # managed.
  • # For public cloud resources this will be through the cloud account, for vCenter
  • # or NSX resources it will represent the vCenter or NSX instance.
  • # Management-plane resources such as those from vRealize or Ensemble products will
  • # not have a managementEndpoint defined for them.
  • managementEndpoint: ManagementEndpoint
  • # Security resources associated to arbitrary entities.
  • #
  • # **NOTE:** This API/functionality is in Beta, this functionality is a candidate
  • # for a stable API but we reserve the right to fix issues including modifying the
  • # schema if required.
  • security: SecurityEntityInfo!
  • # guardrails types that will be contributed by guardrails service to an Entity
  • guardrails: GuardrailsTypes
  • # Finding entities associated to arbitrary entities.
  • #
  • # **NOTE:** This API/functionality is in Beta, this functionality is a candidate
  • # for a stable API but we reserve the right to fix issues including modifying the
  • # schema if required.
  • findings: FindingEntityInfo!
  • }

link Require by